Monday, November 28, 2011

Japan :: Busines Etiquette


 Emperor: Akihito

Prime Minister: Yoshihiko Noda

Land area: 394,744 sq km

Total area: 377,835 sq km

Population: 126,804,433

Birth rate: 7.4/1000; Infant mortality rate: 2.8/1000; Life expectancy: 82.1

Capital: Tokyo

Monetary Unit: Yen


The culture of Japan has evolved greatly over the millennia, from the country's prehistoric Jōmon period to its contemporary hybrid culture, which combines influences from Asia, Europe and North America. The inhabitants of Japan experienced a long period of relative isolation from the outside world during the Tokugawa shogunate until the arrival of "The Black Ships" and the Meiji period.

Traditional Japanese arts include crafts such as ceramics, textiles, lacquerware, swords and dolls; performances of bunraku, kabuki, noh, dance, and rakugo; and other practices, the tea ceremony, ikebana, martial arts, calligraphy, origami, onsen, Geisha and games. Japan has a developed system for the protection and promotion of both tangible and intangible Cultural Properties and National TreasuresSixteen sites have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Upper estimates suggest that 84–96 percent of the Japanese population subscribe to Buddhism or Shinto, including a large number of followers of a syncretism of both religions. However, these estimates are based on people affiliated with a temple, rather than the number of true believers. Other studies have suggested that only 30 percent of the population identify themselves as belonging to a religion. Nevertheless the level of participation remains high, especially during festivals and occasions such as the first shrine visit of the New Year. Taoism and Confucianism from China have also influenced Japanese beliefs and customs. Less than one percent of Japanese are Christian. In addition, since the mid-19th century numerous new religious movements have emerged in Japan.

More than 99 percent of the population speaks Japanese as their first language. It is an agglutinative language distinguished by a system of honorifics reflecting the hierarchical nature of Japanese society, with verb forms and particular vocabulary indicating the relative status of speaker and listener. Japanese writing uses kanji (Chinese characters) and two sets of kana, as well as the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals

Kinkaku-ji or 'The Temple of the Golden Pavilion' in Kyoto, Special Historic Site, Special Place of Scenic Beauty, and UNESCO World Heritage Site; its torching by a monk in 1950 is the subject of a novel by Mishima

Business Etiquettes:

·         Appearance:

1.      Those who dress according to their status or position impress the Japanese. Dress to impress.

2.      Men should wear dark conservative attire. Business suits are most suitable.

3.      Casual dress is never appropriate in a business setting.

4.      Shoes should be easy to remove, as you will do so often. Slip-ons are the best choice.

5.      Women’s dress should be conservative. Little emphasis should be placed on accessories. They should be minimal.

6.      Women should not wear pants in a business situation. Japanese men tend to find it offensive.

7.      Women should only wear low-heeled shoes to avoid towering over men.

8.      A kimono should be wrapped left over right to do otherwise symbolizes death.

9.      Remember the Japanese phrase "The nail that sticks up gets hit with the hammer" when considering your choices for attire in Japan.

10.  Avoid using large hand gestures, unusual facial expressions and any dramatic movements. The Japanese do not talk with their hands and to do so could distract your host.

11.  Avoid the "OK" sign; in Japan it means money.

12.  Pointing in not acceptable.

13.  Personal space is valued. Because the Japanese live in such a densely populated area, they value their personal space.

14.  A smile can have double meaning. It can express either joy or displeasure. Use caution with your facial expressions. They can be easily misunderstood.

15.  The Japanese are not uncomfortable with silence. They use it to their advantage in many situations. Allow your host to sit in silence.

·         Behavior:

1.      The word for toasting is kampai, pronounced 'kahm-pie'. When toasting the glass is never left unfilled. Drinking is an important part of Japanese culture. It is a way to relieve business stress.

2.      Never pour a drink yourself; always allow someone else to do it for you.

3.      Most business entertaining is done in restaurants or bars after business hours. Often in karaoke or "hostess bars." Businesswomen should not attend "hostess bars."

4.      Let the host order the meal and pay. Business may be discussed at dinner during these events.

5.      Japanese rarely entertain in the home. If you are invited to the home of your Japanese host, consider it a great honor and display a tremendous amount of appreciation.

6.      If you are invited to a social event, punctuality is not expected. It is the custom to be "fashionably late."

7.      If you do take your host out insist upon paying. The Japanese will refuse but insist. They will prefer that you choose a Western-style restaurant when entertain them.

8.      Key phrases to learn are "itadakimasu" at the beginning of dinner, and "gochisou-sama-deshita" at the end. It is polite use these phrase and it will show you host that you have enjoyed the meal.

9.      It is perfectly acceptable to slurp your noodles. Doing so will exhibit your enjoyment of your food. To do otherwise, indicates that your meal was not a pleasant one.

10.  Do not openly display money. It is rare to see it given from person to person in Japan. It is important to use an envelope to pass money.

·         Gifting:

1.      Gift giving is very important both business and personal gifts.

2.      Style is tantamount. The gift itself is of little importance, the ceremony surrounding it is very important.

3.      Always wrap gifts. The selection of the wrapping paper is critical. Do not give anything wrapped in white as it symbolizes death. Do not use bright colors or bows to wrap the gift. It is better to have the hotel or the store wrap the gift to ensure that it is appropriate.

4.      Do not surprise the recipient with the gift. Give your host some warning during the evening that you intend to give them a present.

5.      Give the gift with both hands and accept gifts with hands.

6.      Generally, gifts will not be opened in your presence. If your host insists that you open the gift do so gingerly. They take pride in gift wrapping, show that you appreciation the effort.

7.      Do not give gifts in odd number or the number four, as odd numbers are bad luck and four sounds like the word for death in Japanese.

8.      Gifts should be given at the end of a visit.

9.      Do not admire anything belonging to your host too closely. The Japanese strive to please; you may be rewarded for your admiration.

10.  The most popular gift giving occasions in Japan are oseibo, which falls at the end of the year and O-chugen which falls during the middle of the year.

11.  Good gift ideas include top choice beef, fruit and alcohol such as brandy, quality whiskey and Bourbon along with excellent wines. They also appreciate gifts from high-end department stores like Saks and Neiman Marcus.

12.  The Japanese frown on open displays of affection. They do not touch in public. It is highly inappropriate to touch someone of the opposite sex in public.

·         Communications:

1.      In Japan, business cards are called meishi. Japanese give and receive meishi with both hands. It should be printed in your home language on one side and Japanese on the other. Present the card with the Japanese language side up.

2.      Take special care in handling cards that are given to you. Do not write on the card. Do not put the card in your pocket or wallet, as either of these actions will be viewed as defacing or disrespecting the business card. Upon receipt of the card, it is important to make a photocopy of the name and title of the individual in your mind. Examine the card carefully as a show of respect.

3.      In a business situation, business cannot begin until the meishi exchange process is complete.

4.      The customary greeting is the bow. However, some Japanese may greet you with a handshake, albeit a weak one. Do not misinterpret a weak handshake as an indication of character.

5.      If you are greeted with a bow, return with a bow as low as the one you received. How low you bow determines the status of the relationship between you and the other individual. When you bow keep your eyes low and your palms flat next to your thighs. The business card should be given after the bow. This is very important to remember.

6.      In introductions use the person’s last name plus the word san which means Mr. or Ms. The Japanese prefer to use last names. Do not request that they call you by your first name only. If you are uncertain about the pronunciation of a name, ask for assistance.

7.      Understand that the Japanese prefer not to use the word no. If you ask a question they may simply respond with a yes but clearly mean no. Understanding this is critical in the negotiation process.
In Asia the number 4 is bad luck, because in Japanese it sounds like the word ‘shuh-shuh’, which sounds like the word for death

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